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Do Siberian Cats Get Along with Other Pets? 


Assuming proper socialization, Siberians get along famously with other cats and other pets such as dogs. When you are bringing him home for the first time, in fact, you might want to make a proper introduction between your Siberian and the rest of your household - including other pets such as dogs. There is no reason at all why a Siberian can't get along with other pets, as they are pretty calm, mildmannered and gentle creatures. 


A word of warning, however, regarding smaller pets such as birds or mice. Don't forget that the Siberian cats evolved in the taiga forests of Russia, and they survived, for the most part, by being hunters. Even the early Siberian cats that lived alongside humans earned their keep as mousers. Siberians, like most cats, can have a strong hunting instinct that they will probably keep for the rest of their lives. If you do have smaller pets inside the house, exercise due caution, and never leave them together unsupervised. 


How Many Siberian Cats Should You Keep? 


Whether or not you decide to keep more than one Siberian cat is really up to you. It might be a good thing if, for instance, you spend most of your time outside the house. While Siberians are not needy, they are affectionate, and they will not appreciate being left alone for long periods of time. They might grow bored and uninterested for lack of enough playmates. Then it might be a good idea to provide him some companionship with another Siberian cat to have someone to play with. 




























Why to own a Siberian Cat


• Siberian cats can be a good choice for those who are prone to cat allergies, due to the lower levels of allergens in their fur 


• Siberians have a wonderful temperament: they are playful, agile, intelligent, affectionate, great lap cats, and all around friendly to everyone, including kids and other pets 


• Being a highly intelligent breed, Siberian cats can also be trained. 


• They might not need to work for their living, but Siberians can be great mouse deterrents as they will pretty much live up to their ancestry of being Russian mousers. As an added bonus, they have also been known to eat spiders and bugs 


• Their coat is pretty much low-maintenance. A regular weekly brushing, plus daily brushing during the days when they are molting, should be sufficient grooming. 


• This is a pretty hardy and healthy breed. If you get your Siberian from a reputable breeder, and as long as you maintain her health with a good and nutritious diet, chances are that there won't be any major sicknesses in your cat's near future. 


Preparing your home


While you were waiting for the kittens to be weaned, you must have already put some thought into preparing your home for the arrival of your new family member. This means kitten-proofing your home. 


Cats - especially kittens - are naturally curious, and unless you are planning to keep an eye on them 24-7, you should clear and organize your home so that the little furball won't end up ripping into some important documents, or worse, ending up in an unintended accident that can prove fatal in the long run. 


Aside from preparing their bed, their litter, and the space where they will have all their toys, you should also put some thought into kitty-proofing your home. This is not unlike baby-proofing your home, in fact, with the difference that kittens are a lot more agile. Siberian cats, in fact, are known to be great jumpers. So double care should be taken. Here are a few tips to guide you: 


• Secure all the doors and windows so that your cat will not have an opportunity to slip out when you're not looking. Even if you plan for your cat to stay outdoors most of the time, this shouldn't apply to kittens that are still very vulnerable. Keep them safe by keeping them indoors - especially since your home and your neighborhood is still uncharted territory for them. 


• Store away breakable, fragile, delicate, and expensive items. You don't want them accidentally tipping these things over, especially if you have a bunch of valuable but breakable items in your home. 


• Secure open containers of water, including the toilet lid. Prevent accidental drowning! 


• Store cleaning items, your medicine, food, and garbage in a secure place where the kittens cannot get to them. While you're at it, you might want to remove all potentially poisonous living plants from your home. 


• Clean up by putting away small objects that can be swallowed by kittens. Of course, this applies to items with sharp edges or points like needles, razors, knives, etc. 


• Hide or secure all cords, electrical wiring, floor-length curtains, or even trailing tablecloths. Cats have a penchant for climbing to high places, and they also have a fondness for playing - even chewing - various threads or cords. You don't want them being accidentally electrocuted, or even caught in the cables or cords and accidentally hung. 


• And finally, cats and kittens have this thing about getting into strange places. Before you turn on appliances like the dryer or washer, be sure to check inside! 


• Keep them away from open sources of fire such as candles or fireplaces. A kitten may have no natural instinct for danger when it comes to man-made things or equipment. 


Kitten-proofing depends largely on the kind of home you have. Look around, and try to see your house as a kitten would see it. Do you see anything else that could potentially cause them harm? Then put it away and out of reach. 

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